

The knowledge and Confidence to make a difference in the community.

The course will also provide you or your team with the following: 

  • You will gain a nationally recognised certificate for Environmental enforcement to confirm Learner knowledge and experience of this topic. 
  • It provides training for those who would like an understanding of environmental crime or who are looking to access this industry.  
  • Learners will cover all topics related to and involved with this line of work and gain a greater understanding of the legislation involved with environmental crime and underpin their current knowledge of the topic. 
  • It is an interactive course filled with Practical sessions, videos, and legislative content.  
  • This course is aimed at aspiring environmental officers or those who require an understanding of environmental crime and waste management 
  • Learners gain an understanding of the relevant legislation governing the role of the enforcement officer under the environmental protection act of 1990  
  • Learners recognise how their behaviours can impact the relationships companies want to achieve with their customers and why they need to be adaptable to get the desired outcome 
  • Learners understand how to complete the relevant paperwork to prove each offence is beyond a reasonable doubt. 


Experienced, Training Provider

At Kingdom L A Support Ltd, we understand the importance of continuous training to boost a team’s motivation, productivity and performance. Our Course will provide the opportunity for everyone to take part in gaining knowledge and confidence to work with the public.  

We are the largest provider of staff to local authorities to deal with an environmental crime we have used our experiences to standardise the level of training to make sure every member of the public is treated fairly and in accordance with the law.  


Comprehensive training

All of our patrol officers receive extensive training before being deployed so they’re ready to deal with any scenario calmly and effectively.


Tackle anti-social behaviour

From fly-tipping to parking enforcement, reduce and remove anti-social behaviour in your local community with our office patrolling service.


A proactive approach

Our staff take a no nonsense and proactive approach, executed with professionalism.

proud to work with

L A Support have provided an excellent service in normal times, and have really stepped up and gone above and beyond during this pandemic to keep people safe. These officers face constant abuse daily for the nature of their role, but remain calm and professional and the Officers in Harrow have been a credit to all.

London Borough of Harrow

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