

With the rapid evolution of technology, security solutions have become increasingly more sophisticated and agile, helping businesses to protect their assets from the most determined of criminals. Yet one of the most effective solutions is also one of the oldest and relies less on technology than on human instinct and physical presence: security personnel.

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In this article, we’ll explore the role that security guards play in protecting modern businesses and how Kingdom can help with your security arrangements.

What Are Security Personnel?

‘Security personnel’ refers to the officers who are a familiar sight in commercial and industrial properties, such as supermarkets, shopping centres, department stores, theatres, universities, and nightclubs.

Security guards are specially trained and experienced staff who are paid to protect property and people from a variety of threats. Equipped with uniforms and communications devices, and often with access to CCTV monitoring equipment, security guards conduct various tasks including:

  • Supervising property or premises via CCTV or foot patrols
  • Carrying out risk assessments to identify potential security threats
  • Checking staff and visitors into and out of buildings
  • Responding to alarms and emergencies
  • Apprehending suspects, for example, shoplifters
  • Providing advice to visitors, such as directions
  • Liaising with law enforcement if a crime or incident occurs

What Training Do Security Guards Have?

All security officers in the UK must be licenced with the Security Industry Authority (SIA), a non-governmental department sponsored by the Home Office. Registration confirms that each security guard has been appropriately trained and vetted to carry out frontline duties.

Security personnel should be trained in a range of areas of practice, including:

  • Security procedures
  • Appropriate use of force
  • Conflict resolution and de-escalation
  • Emergency response
  • Customer service
  • Emergency first aid

Additional qualifications are also available, such as managing cash or valuables in transit.

What Are The Benefits Of Security Personnel Services?

Security personnel can be put in place to effectively deter criminals from launching an attack against a business. Security staff are highly visible, so perpetrators of crime are less likely to offend, either because of the increased risk of detection or because their suspicious behaviour is spotted promptly.

If an incident does occur, security staff can respond instantly, summoning assistance from the police or de-escalating a potentially dangerous situation before it becomes violent. Trained to identify emerging threats, security guards play a critical role in preventing mass casualty incidents by instigating emergency evacuations.

Also, with security personnel on-site, staff and customers are more likely to feel at ease, knowing that the environment is safer. Security officers can monitor footfall in a building, refusing access to known troublemakers or people who are not authorised to be on-site.

Contact Kingdom Security Today

At Kingdom Security, we provide bespoke security personnel services for businesses and organisations in a range of fields of commerce and industry.

To find out more or request a free, no-obligation quotation, please call us on 0330 022 9422.

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