(Guards, Supervisors, Mobile, Cash in Transit & Events)
SUPERVISOR ZONE (Site Managers, Supervisors & Snr Guards)
Month End Reports: Submission deadline 1st of each calendar month. Please now submit directly to Andy Farren (Division Administrator) by Email: andy.farren@kingdomsecurity.co.uk or Fax: 0845 051 7701
Monthly Task: Work through the above code of conduct reminders with each of your team & the below Security Knowledge
Administration: You are responsible for ensuring all administration relating to your duties are submitted on time. This includes alarm reports/run sheets/accident forms etc.
Alarm Activations: If an alarm is activated within your work zone within 45 minutes of your shift finish time, you have a responsibility to respond to any attendance request. You will always receive full payment until your duties are complete.
Welfare visits - some drivers will shortly be receiving staff welfare visits audit forms.
E Mails: So we can effectively communicate with you for short notice event work and event bulletins please submit your e-mail address to the Kingdom personnel dept.
Dress Code: Should you attend an event with incorrect dress code you will be sent home. In cold weather a BLACK woolly hat can be worn but must not hold any logo.